WiseControl is TideWise's control system created to offer the operator, who supervises all navigation management, a robust remote operation interface. The technology has control functions to save you from simple tasks, such as autonomous route execution, maintaining a point position and other functions that aid navigation.
The control software was developed following best practices used in the robotics industry and was extensively tested, first in simulations and then in a controlled environment, to avoid risks to uncrewed systems, third parties and the environment. Thinking about the safety of operations, special care was taken to detect failures of critical subsystems and to transition to a safe mode, should failures of this type occur.
WiseControl's user interface is called WiseBridge, and is made up of interactive screens that present system operators with the main information relating to the navigation and status of uncrewed vehicles and their payloads. System control functions can also be performed through WiseBridge, including piloting the USV(s), UAV(s) and ROV(s) (and programming actions to be performed autonomously), triggering of navigation lights and sound signals, turning on and off payloads, among other functions.
TideWise has WiseBridge in three basic configurations: portable, capable of being transported in a suitcase compatible with carry-on luggage on planes; mobile, installed on a road trailer and equipped with screens, batteries, tools and spare parts for on-site troubleshooting; and fixed, in a remote control station installed at the TideWise office, in Rio de Janeiro / RJ. Below, a photograph of WiseBridge in a portable configuration that was taken to Porto Alegre, during South Summit 2023. On that occasion, control of the USV Tupan was demonstrated, sailing in Rio de Janeiro, RJ, using remote control from the station located in Porto Alegre, RS. The following can be seen in the photograph: (1) Communication module via Ethernet, WiFi and/or 4G/5G; (2) Nautical chart-based control and monitoring interface with AIS targets; (3) Joystick-based control and monitoring interface and "real-time" video stream (with latency <200ms and 360º video, in this case captured by the USV Tupan).

Communication module via Ethernet, WiFi and/or 4G/5G
Control and monitoring interface by Nautical Chart
Joystick control and monitoring interface
Remote Control Center (ROC) Portable environment